Friday, February 26, 2010


The law of attraction creates a cocoon, so to speak, of like energy around each personality so that as it seeks to heal its anger, or its fear, or its jealousy, the metamorphosis process into wholeness is intensified and accelerated, is brought to the center of the stage of awareness. The personality sees its anger or its fear not only within itself, but everywhere outside itself as well. If the personality chooses consciously to heal its anger, or its fear, every circumstance, every encounter becomes irritating or fearful as the Universe compassionately responds to its desire to become whole.

As the anger, of the fear within a personality builds, the world in which it lives increasingly reflects the anger, of the fear, that it must heal, so that eventually, ultimately, the personality will see that its creating its own experiences and perceptions, that its righteous anger or justifiable fear originates within itself, and therefore can be replaced by other perceptions and experiences only through the force of its own being.

Just as frequency of anger evokes a like frequency in the consciousness of those around an angry personality, the frequency of love awakens also like responses. It is the intention that determines the effect.

We are destined to evolve beyond the nature of duality, Duality is that which is understood in time and space. As you evolve beyond that, and also when you leave your physical body and journey home to your nonphysical plane of reality, you will not exist in dualism, and that sense of the wrathful, or sorrowful, or fearful self that you think of as present to you now will evaporate. It has no power in the realm beyond duality where there exists the perfection of all that is. When you leave your physical form, you will join the nonphysical level of reality that is appropriate to your vibrational frequency at the time that you leave your incarnation.


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