I was spending time with my friends Henry, Lisette, and their family- whom I haven’t seen for awhile- and something very interesting happened. Henry started asking me questions about the elections. I responded by saying, “the best thing you can do is work on yourself”. Now- even though I still hold that to be true, I don’t believe that isolating myself from what’s going on is right for me. I know I have valid reasons for not wanting to participate in the elections - such as Bush stealing the presidency and carrying out the agenda of the neo-cons and the mass media’s apparent brainwashing and distortion of information - but Henry’s questions angered me that day. Knowing that the way I feel is my responsibility, I had to ask myself why I was angered. I realized my anger had nothing to do with Henry and that my charge was due to the fact that I couldn’t truthfully answer his questions. I didn’t research all the candidates and just assumed the same old crap was going on: puppeteers pulling strings on both sides. To my surprise, I heard words from a candidate saying many of the things that I believed to be true for quite some time now. I’m talking about issues that were initially shocking to me, but the more I studied, researched, and experienced life with an open mind, they became common sense. I would only share these thoughts with friends and those who inquired about it because I did not want to face hostility or be an outcast. I guess I was too busy trying to be liked by everyone and fearing the consequences. Following that, I became a bit outspoken and started to protest and petition. That just fueled my anger and gave energy to what I didn’t want to create. So then I committed to the intention of working on myself, remembering who I am, and honestly relating to others without imposing on their free will.
Anyway, as a result of Henry’s questioning, I took advantage of this information age. I educated myself on the internet, a place where I can read information written by anyone, watch unedited video, and listen to what people say for themselves. For example, I remember the media slaughtering Rosie O’Donnell, labeling her as an America-hater, and I believed it because that’s what I heard. Well on YouTube, I came across the actual footage of what got her in to trouble on “The View”. She was basically speaking out about the media and asking questions about our government, 911, and the war- that which most celebrities are afraid to express. So I discovered that I had been condemning her for statements and actions that I happen to agree with. So in essence, what I advocate is to know for thyself. Don’t take my word for it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I respect and honor that. However, sometimes it is blatantly obvious when I hear repeated rhetoric that is fed to us from mainstream media and not coming from original thought that stems from critical thinking and asking one’s self deep questions.
It was amazing for me to see how accessible the same information is today that once labeled me as a wacko when I was in high school. Back then this information was mostly available by word of mouth from elders, books, and video cassette (Give thanks to my brother Jojo for providing to me). I remember telling my mom I believed things such as Jesus was married, intentional stamping out of the Mother Goddess, entities other than us exist as do other dimensions, a few attempting to control the world through instilling fear, the prophecies of 2012, and so on…
I know most will still believe I’m crazy, but my beliefs are not so far fetched today as they were when I was adamant and foolishly dogmatic about it. We all can choose to believe what we want. There is nothing wrong about that. I owe it to myself and others to be truthful and express myself honestly. I think it’s condescending to be fake and try to please others by putting on a show. I commend those who have been speaking their truth for a long time: Jesus, Buddha, Selassie, Malcolm X, Farrahkan, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Gregg Braden, Ramtha, Jelaila Starr, David Icke, Alex Jones, Jim Marrs are some that come to mind. Such celebrities as Arsenio Hall, Charlie and Martin Sheen, Sean Penn, Rosie O’Donnell, the Dixie Chicks, Montel, Mark Cuban, Michael Moore, Jon Stewart, Letterman, Phil Donahue, Bill Hicks, Barry Cooper, and Republican candidate Ron Paul to name a few. Please save your comments if I missed people’s names or some that I mentioned don’t seem to know the big picture because then your missing the point. These people have gathered their own information, come to their own conclusions, and declared them. To me, its not about who’s right or wrong. That is relevant to your individual values and outcomes you want to manifest. It’s about exercising our God given birthright to think for ourselves and the freedom to express ourselves honestly. In today’s world, its hard to say what we feel and not be condemned for it.
I believe our feelings are of utmost importance. We need to preserve our liberties and educate ourselves because we have the power to decide our own fate. Why else would there be so much effort to inject programming? All time is now. Making a conscious choice today can change how we feel about the past, bring new to the present, and alter future outcomes.
If anything, I wrote this for us (including myself) to ponder. You can disregard it, read it again, respond to it, love it, hate it, agree or disagree with it, erase it, or post it somewhere else. It did come from love and compassion. I am that I am. So be it.
More Life and More Love,
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