Tuesday, January 1, 2008

ASTROLOGY - Stephanie's Daily Forecast 1-1-2008

Happy New Year and welcome to the first of eight 1:1:1 Star Gates for 2008. It is fitting that the Moon is in the via combusta today, as it generates exciting fiery energies that are in perfect alignment with the vibration of the year ahead.

Star Gates happen when the numbers align and a portal of consciousness opens as a result. Downloads of information then pour through this portal in the form of light streams of consciousness. Triple Star Gates pour through the Galactic Core, where Jupiter and Pluto have just begun their latest 13 year cycle. Pluto prepares to move into Capricorn in a few more weeks, but he will retrograde back into Sagittarius and spend much of the year ahead in the Sagittarius/Galactic Core vibration. There is no mistake about any of this.
1:1:1 is the manifestation (3) of beginnings (1). One is leadership, creation and the power to make happen what has never before been realized. In order to receive the download from a Star Gate, we must be open. Open Open Open. Begin this day with meditation. If you don’t meditate, sit still and focus your mind on your breath or on a candle flame. This will put your mind on one point and you will notice how quiet it becomes inside your head. This is the beginning of stillness. Stillness is where we need to be if we’re going to manifest anything new at all.

So get still and open your mind, your eyes, your hands and your heart to all that you are being given today. You won’t know what the information is as it comes to you, so don’t use your mind to try and understand. Star Gates must be received at the heart level as it is only the heart that can make any sense out of the Truth it receives.

The Moon is in Libra today and she aspects all the outer planets, Saturn and Mars. This means the information we receive is universally oriented and deals with relationships. As we all know, the only relationship there is is the one we have with our self, and most importantly, with our higher Self, or Source. Mastery is the order of the year, and in order to master our Selves we must learn to leave the old way of living behind us now. That means no more drama, no more addiction, no more emotional attachment.

Each of you reading this is a Lightworker and as such you signed on to be a leader for the human race to make its way into the 5th Dimension, taking our Beloved Earth with us. By this time in 2012 we will be living fully in the 5th Dimension, a dimension of Love and Light, where what we know of each other is energetic and we can recognize the spirit in all things.

So we have 5 years to practice living in the New Light and leading everyone around us into this new dimension. We are leaders, but we are not special. It is vital to understand that we are all One and no one is more or less than anyone else. This movement, from 3D to 4D to 5D is an inside job. Practice Being the Love you are and you will automatically lead everyone you know by example.

That this is an inside job is expressed by the one aspect to an inner planet today, a Moon Mars trine. Mars is retrograde and out of bounds. We are in new inner territory. We must be turned inward to receive these 1:1:1 Star Gates, and all of the important consciousness they offer. The Moon goes into a void after this Mars aspect and emerges in Scorpio later this evening. Great inner transformations are slated for 2008. It’s an inside job and more than ever this year we will realize how profoundly the world around us mirrors our own personal Truth.

Make your personal Truth one of Love and Communion with the Souls around you. We are truly all One and this year we get to live it and breathe it and manifest it into the World. As we do, the planet will be born again, and we will witness the emergence of a new World, which by our own personal contributions, we are manifesting. We are truly co-creating this world with Source. Truly, at the highest aspect of our Selves, we ARE Source. We are becoming God-realized. Here’s to the year of Enlightenment!

”It’s in every one of us
To be Wise
Find your heart
Open up both your eyes
We can all know everything
Without ever knowing why
It’s in every one of us
By and By.”
David Pomerantz

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