Wednesday, December 12, 2007

ASTROLOGY - Stephanie's Daily Forecast 12-12-07

The Moon went into a void last night around dinnertime EST, and it will remain void all day today, from Midnight to Midnight. This is another unusual event in a series of rare events that will continue to grace the earth on and off for the next year or so. An all day void Capricorn Moon gives us the chance to commune with the Mother. The Father, Source, our Divine higher selves poured forth its wisdom yesterday and today we have the opportunity to ground that liquid Light of consciousness into the Mother herself, all day long, uninterrupted. There is no mistake about this. It’s all happening for a reason.

It’s an important reason. It’s actually what we’re here for. We are here, not to ascend our Selves, because in Truth, we are eternal beings and we have all ascended already, many times over. We are here to bring the Earth into ascension, as she has never done so before. And today, each of us can begin to make our individual contributions by choosing to pour into the planet that which we have begun to understand. Do this consciously today. Pour your Light into the Mother and offer her what you have so graciously received.

The Moon aligns on the ecliptic with Mercury, Jupiter and the Sun, and semisextiles both Jupiter and Pluto late this evening. We are still reverberating loudly with the download of new social consciousness we received yesterday and we will continue to do so for many years to come. Hold on to the gift of believing. It’s all given to us through Source. There is nothing here that is not Source, therefore it is all Source. Belief and Trust and Faith are essential here. Hold on. We are blasting off.

In the middle of the void Moon Venus and Saturn sextile each other, and this is a huge aspect to be taking place in the middle of all this energy of higher consciousness. Venus and Saturn spent the entire summer teaching us to Love our Selves more. This is the moment to utilize the knowledge we gained back then. Trust yourself. Know that you are who you truly wish to be. Commune with the Goddess today and in the stillness, step into your Truth and become the Love you are. Mother Earth needs your Light for her own ascension process. We are all here for her.

”We all came into this world gifted with innocence, but gradually, as we became more intelligent, we lost our innocence.

We were born with silence and as we grew up, we lost the silence and were filled with words.

We lived in our hearts and as time passed, we moved into our heads.

Now the reversal of this journey is enlightenment.

It is the journey from the head back to the heart, from words back to silence; getting back to our innocence in spite of our intelligence.

Although very simple, this is a great achievement.

Eckhart Tolle

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