Thursday, December 20, 2007

ARTICLE - Dr. Turi

The main causes in divorces are:

· Extramarital affairs - 27% (29%)
· Family strains - 18% (11%)
· Emotional/physical abuse - 17% (10%)
· Mid-life crisis - 13% (not in 2003 survey)
· Addictions, e.g. alcoholism and gambling - 6% (5%)
· Workaholism - 6% (5%)


· Las Vegas (100,000 weddings/year)
· Hawaii (25,000 wedding/year)
· Bahamas (5,000 weddings/year)
· Jamaica (5,000 weddings/year)
· U.S. Virgin Islands (4,000 weddings/year)

With 80% of traditional weddings performed in churches or synagogues, religious dogmatic deceiving teachings are used to make you promise your mate with “love and respect till death do us apart” and again with so much divorces going on, your chosen religious ceremony prove the inadequacy and failure of your “religion” to help you. Those who stay in a bad relationship do so because of pure necessity, money, guilt, fear, or lack of will to induce the changes. Water and earth signs are reluctant to move on and prone to physical or emotional abuse. As a rule, women are naturally set to love and respect her man and will be forced to STAND strong against an abusive, usually insecure, jealous partner. Thus he is teaching her to develop strengths. While a man is more like a child and has to the learn the hard way, a woman will not turn back once the “red line” has been crossed. She may give you a couple of chances if she really loves you, but in time she will move away from you. Thus women are teaching us men to be more sensitive, more respectful, and to soften our Martian masculine qualities to build the relationship, NOT burn it to the ground.

Women are NOT like us men. Women can see better than a cat in the dark, smell better and hear better than a dog and her intuition is her ONLY but extraordinary protective, accurate gift. A wounded woman protecting her children and her heart can become as powerful and deadly as a Tigress and she will tear your uncaring heart apart in no time. But she will do it in her feminine way and in her own sweet time if she chooses. Now let’s hope the Plutonic/Scorpionic area of her chart does not get to your sorry butt because subconsciously all women are “white witches” and their distressed thoughts (thoughts are things) are acting as a mighty laser beam, going through the thickest wall and WILL in time and space reach your own heart. Now you wonder why you feel so miserable in jail, in your house lonely praying for her return and feel lost each day? Your ego may be in the way or maybe time has not yet worked in her favor, but don’t be fooled, women were born to love, to respect, to cherish, to challenge, to give life, to protect and to teach Men RESPECT.

I have myself found out the hard way and my heart is still bleeding for a girl named Christy in Farmington, New Mexico and I am man enough and true to myself enough to openly expose my true feelings for such a fantastic girl. Well she is gone now and since then I have tried to find in other girls her passionate kisses, her gentle voice and Cancer supreme caring nature and at no avail so far. I can only wish her the best and it is because of the depth of my pain and all the hard lessons I fully deserve that I will love, respect and KEEP my new girl when she reach for my heart. The saying “you do not know what you have until its gone” could not be any truer. I only wish I knew more about the “Cosmic Code” when I first met her, so my own ignorance was my curse. Let me teach you all about Astropsychology so you can use it for your children, your lover, spouse, friends or family because knowledge is power and ignorance is evil.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


I woke up today thinking a lot about my Sami Girl! I would love to see her today. Hopefully I will. She plays freshman basketball for Baldwin Park High School. I'm excited to see her play. What a beautiful girl inside and out. I still get blown away that she's my baby girl. Okay, she's not a baby. She is a young adult, and I'm very proud to be her Daddy.

Saturday, December 15, 2007



Its Saturday evening and I'm about to study. Yah! That's right. It's Saturday night and I'm studying. It feels good to have more clarity in my life, be clear with my intentions and not feel confused. I enjoy school more than I thought I ever could. I'm being educated on things I'm passionate about. It's also always fun for me to meet new people and be in new places. All my classmates (including the teacher) is cool. Thank you God. I'm enjoying myself.
Here's a pic of me in class doing some rock climbing. You know how we do. Thanks for the picture Minh! And yes, that is an orb around my head.

ARTICLES - Overcome Your Emotional Roadblocks 12/12/07

We all have something standing in the way of coping with our emotional pain. Here are seven ways to break through.

By Bob Livingstone

We all experience emotional pain in our lives. Someone close to us will eventually die. A friend or lover will betray us. We will lose our jobs or not get the one we really wanted. Many of us have been victims of physical, emotional and/or sexual abuse. We experience racism, sexism and other forms of hatred. Many of us have difficulties with processing these issues.

Last week I was conducting my class on healing emotional pain at the San Francisco County Jail when one of the women asked, “Why has it been so difficult for me to face my emotional pain?” Most of the other women in the group then asked follow-up questions in that same vein. I pondered this issue for a while. I realized that that this is indeed the first question one needs to explore when wondering what events have caused internal wounds, hurts, or traumas. If you cannot look at your pain, then you can never resolve it. Why, then, is it so hard to look at it?

We are reluctant to face our emotional pain because:

1. We are afraid that what may be uncomfortable now will become terrifying if we open that door to our feelings and memories.
Find the sacred in the everyday routine of your life

2. We are taught that we are not supposed to spend too much time or dwell on events that have been painful. We believe that we are to "suck it up" and move on, rather than wonder how this hurt affects us.

3. We are instructed that looking at our emotional hurt will cause something that is now a nuisance to become an infected wound that will never heal.

4. We are taught that we are not to burden others with our problems. We are fearful that if we examine our issues too closely, we will become babbling idiots who overtax the ears of our friends and loved ones.

5. We believe that dealing with our emotional pain is a task that is impossible to accomplish.

You can break through these roadblocks by:

1. Discovering the internal faith that you deserve to overcome these wounds. This faith can be religious, spiritual, your place of wisdom, or your higher power. Your internal faith is what helps you face troubling times, confusion, and loss.

2. Learning that the energy invested in pushing the pain away is not worth the price of becoming physically ill, drug-dependent, or devoid of any feelings. This energy can be instead used for recovery, spiritual awakening, self-direction, and confidence-building activities.

3. Learning that facing emotional pain can be an exciting, joyful, and ultimately redemptive journey. You will find joy simply by breaking through long-standing grief and pain. You may able to learn to love yourself.

4. Discovering how physical exercise can improve your self-esteem, mood, and confidence that will allow you to work through your emotional pain. Exercising will also bring back the playful innocence of a child. It will make you feel and look better. It will increase your organizational abilities and give you a purpose.

5. Learning techniques that will help you tolerate the angst that comes up. Those techniques include: realizing that the memories of the trauma are about events that took place in the past, not the present, and learning to nurture the child within.

6. Learning that you can find healthy ways to distract yourself from the pain when it becomes too overwhelming. You can focus on what is happening in the present instead. Going for a walk or reading a book are healthy ways to take your mind off the pain.

7. Finding others who are not only willing to patiently listen to your story, but have the need to share their struggles with you. You will discover the beauty of actually connecting with others.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

ASTROLOGY - Stephanie's Daily Forecast 12-12-07

The Moon went into a void last night around dinnertime EST, and it will remain void all day today, from Midnight to Midnight. This is another unusual event in a series of rare events that will continue to grace the earth on and off for the next year or so. An all day void Capricorn Moon gives us the chance to commune with the Mother. The Father, Source, our Divine higher selves poured forth its wisdom yesterday and today we have the opportunity to ground that liquid Light of consciousness into the Mother herself, all day long, uninterrupted. There is no mistake about this. It’s all happening for a reason.

It’s an important reason. It’s actually what we’re here for. We are here, not to ascend our Selves, because in Truth, we are eternal beings and we have all ascended already, many times over. We are here to bring the Earth into ascension, as she has never done so before. And today, each of us can begin to make our individual contributions by choosing to pour into the planet that which we have begun to understand. Do this consciously today. Pour your Light into the Mother and offer her what you have so graciously received.

The Moon aligns on the ecliptic with Mercury, Jupiter and the Sun, and semisextiles both Jupiter and Pluto late this evening. We are still reverberating loudly with the download of new social consciousness we received yesterday and we will continue to do so for many years to come. Hold on to the gift of believing. It’s all given to us through Source. There is nothing here that is not Source, therefore it is all Source. Belief and Trust and Faith are essential here. Hold on. We are blasting off.

In the middle of the void Moon Venus and Saturn sextile each other, and this is a huge aspect to be taking place in the middle of all this energy of higher consciousness. Venus and Saturn spent the entire summer teaching us to Love our Selves more. This is the moment to utilize the knowledge we gained back then. Trust yourself. Know that you are who you truly wish to be. Commune with the Goddess today and in the stillness, step into your Truth and become the Love you are. Mother Earth needs your Light for her own ascension process. We are all here for her.

”We all came into this world gifted with innocence, but gradually, as we became more intelligent, we lost our innocence.

We were born with silence and as we grew up, we lost the silence and were filled with words.

We lived in our hearts and as time passed, we moved into our heads.

Now the reversal of this journey is enlightenment.

It is the journey from the head back to the heart, from words back to silence; getting back to our innocence in spite of our intelligence.

Although very simple, this is a great achievement.

Eckhart Tolle

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I love you. I love. Love. I guess I’m breaking it down as far as it can go. How you love is the lesson. It can be done alone or with a partner. Most people try to find it fervently with a partner. As if finding that partner, you can become whole, be completed, or make the world right by simply being with them. Most of us project aspects of ourselves and our parents onto our beloved and get a limited overstanding - or never get to know who they really are. Our primary agenda, whether we admit it or not, is to mold the other person to our own preexisting idea of a mate or fantasy.

Adolescent love affairs begin with a period of ecstasy in which everything is heavenly.
Soon come, is the let down, the mutual perception that the other is not perfect after all. We try to mold that person but it just doesn’t work. We have to stay in our own heart, if we want to feel the feeling of love. When we leave our own hearts and try to change the other, we feel the pain. If that person is not up to par, which they can never fully be, we blame it on them or even ourselves.

Before soul initiation, the ego feels a genuine and inconsolable loneliness and longing. It does really need to be completed by something. But it cannot be completed by a romantic relationship with another. Only the soul, the divine lover, completes the ego and allows it to feel fittingly partnered.

The adolescent has nothing to do but project all of its longing onto someone other than themselves. Loneliness continuously fuels the desire for love affairs. Until it discovers an alternative, it will keep seeking completion in that way and failing.

Human romance can deepen the sacred marriage between the ego and soul, but it is not a substitute.

A youthful approach to love is not itself the problem; the problem is the rarity of what comes next in terms of development. Can we develop a mature way of engaging a lover that has a deeper, more spiritual, sustainable, and even sexier set of possibilities that encourage and support soul development?

Our egoistic actions are deeply rooted and our romantic fantasies do not die easily.

As soon as I let go of this fantasy, and thank all my relationships for showing me myself, I begin to experience myself as whole already, fully eligible to be in love with the world either alone or partnered. I am less likely to project myself upon others.

In the mystery of love, as we learn to love another truly, we meet the beloved of our own soul through the eyes of another.