The main causes in divorces are:
· Extramarital affairs - 27% (29%)
· Family strains - 18% (11%)
· Emotional/physical abuse - 17% (10%)
· Mid-life crisis - 13% (not in 2003 survey)
· Addictions, e.g. alcoholism and gambling - 6% (5%)
· Workaholism - 6% (5%)
· Las Vegas (100,000 weddings/year)
· Hawaii (25,000 wedding/year)
· Bahamas (5,000 weddings/year)
· Jamaica (5,000 weddings/year)
· U.S. Virgin Islands (4,000 weddings/year)
With 80% of traditional weddings performed in churches or synagogues, religious dogmatic deceiving teachings are used to make you promise your mate with “love and respect till death do us apart” and again with so much divorces going on, your chosen religious ceremony prove the inadequacy and failure of your “religion” to help you. Those who stay in a bad relationship do so because of pure necessity, money, guilt, fear, or lack of will to induce the changes. Water and earth signs are reluctant to move on and prone to physical or emotional abuse. As a rule, women are naturally set to love and respect her man and will be forced to STAND strong against an abusive, usually insecure, jealous partner. Thus he is teaching her to develop strengths. While a man is more like a child and has to the learn the hard way, a woman will not turn back once the “red line” has been crossed. She may give you a couple of chances if she really loves you, but in time she will move away from you. Thus women are teaching us men to be more sensitive, more respectful, and to soften our Martian masculine qualities to build the relationship, NOT burn it to the ground.
Women are NOT like us men. Women can see better than a cat in the dark, smell better and hear better than a dog and her intuition is her ONLY but extraordinary protective, accurate gift. A wounded woman protecting her children and her heart can become as powerful and deadly as a Tigress and she will tear your uncaring heart apart in no time. But she will do it in her feminine way and in her own sweet time if she chooses. Now let’s hope the Plutonic/Scorpionic area of her chart does not get to your sorry butt because subconsciously all women are “white witches” and their distressed thoughts (thoughts are things) are acting as a mighty laser beam, going through the thickest wall and WILL in time and space reach your own heart. Now you wonder why you feel so miserable in jail, in your house lonely praying for her return and feel lost each day? Your ego may be in the way or maybe time has not yet worked in her favor, but don’t be fooled, women were born to love, to respect, to cherish, to challenge, to give life, to protect and to teach Men RESPECT.
I have myself found out the hard way and my heart is still bleeding for a girl named Christy in Farmington, New Mexico and I am man enough and true to myself enough to openly expose my true feelings for such a fantastic girl. Well she is gone now and since then I have tried to find in other girls her passionate kisses, her gentle voice and Cancer supreme caring nature and at no avail so far. I can only wish her the best and it is because of the depth of my pain and all the hard lessons I fully deserve that I will love, respect and KEEP my new girl when she reach for my heart. The saying “you do not know what you have until its gone” could not be any truer. I only wish I knew more about the “Cosmic Code” when I first met her, so my own ignorance was my curse. Let me teach you all about Astropsychology so you can use it for your children, your lover, spouse, friends or family because knowledge is power and ignorance is evil.