I had an amazing experience this morning. Dani and I took Ayin to
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Some things are just meant to be lived...
I had an amazing experience this morning. Dani and I took Ayin to
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Humor Lifts You Up To God

I didn't know I can still laugh as hard as I did yesterday! I went to workout at Ross' house because a client rescheduled. Perfect... Bonus time to get my workout in.
Friday, January 23, 2009
The Morning Sun

Chillin' with Bluesy at 7 in the morning. He phoned me early. He knows he can count on me to be up ready to go. Like I LION! I love the rising sun. Morning Ites before putting in work. Connecting to earth in the morning has a lasting positive affect on my whole day.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
sTill rEviVaL

Yesterday was such an awesome day for me. My business partner came to my town and it was just amazing to see him do his thing! The man conquers the corporate world and still has both feet on the ground.
It was a giant leap for me personally last year because I took the step of integrating my authentic self with the business aspect of myself. A little scary to do because my ideas tend to be out there. It’s a great feeling to have support from peers who are confident, honest, straightforward, have faith, determination, perserverance, belief and is well aware of what a bond is all about. Not the bonds that go with stocks, but the ones that form when people come together and work hard against the grain to co-create a unified vision! I found passion again this year… but not outside of myself. It came from inside and extends outward. To see value in everything that exists… and that doesn’t exist…
A Soul Cluster is coming into alignment and the unveiling of its players are fun to partake in . Enjoy the ride!
sTill rEviVaL
Monday, January 19, 2009
Dreaded Mondays

Monday Morning… I feel pretty good. Its easier to enjoy now. I dreaded Mondays so much before. I remember saying “ Thank God its Friday!” Then the weekend being so good to me, until Sunday evening starts to set in and for some reason I have a bad attitude. Must be because I have this reality of work the next day. Then I know its true when I get to work and all I want to do is leave, leave, leave! Should I try to get fired? Should I quit? Should I stay because of money? Because I’m comfortable? Because I don’t know what the heck I’m doing here? I bless those experiences for what it brought me today. I KNOW, by process how I left from that place, and I left bread crumbs so if I find myself there again, I know my way out. I know I’m not perfect, but I do have a foundation to come back to if those feelings resurface. My Mondays don’t feel like those Mondays anymore. I’m actually very excited for them because I look forward to designing my plan of action, because I dream so much and Mondays I designate to bring those visions into reality.
Maybe we can have a Reggae Club on Mondays called “Dreaded Mondays.” Change that meaning right off the bat!
Lets shift and reach today!!!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Its been a while since I have shared anything on the internet. The flow of my life brought me to other things. Well it is now time for me to share again. Who says so? I don’t know. My feelings help me discern whats right for ME to do. I trust in time I’ll understand why.
2009 has been monumental for me already. I can’t help myself but to keep dreaming everyday. I guess its because I get this energy from knowing the things I dream can come into fruition. So the more I dream, the more detailed I get in to my vision. I get a clearer moving picture of the opportunities that present itself to manifest. Almost has nothing to do with me at all, but to flow. Be a kid again. You know…
– Bob Marley
Blessings to the crew at The Spa and Fitness Club @ South Coast Plaza. I do miss you guys.